Ile-Bouvet country code is :

00 55 or +55
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Ile-Bouvet.

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How to call Ile-Bouvet ?

To call Ile-Bouvet you need to dial like this : 00 + Ile-Bouvet country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Ile-Bouvet you always need to do 0055 + number, so it looks like 00 55XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 55 country code ?

0055 is Ile-Bouvet country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Ile-Bouvet from another country. This page concern only Ile-Bouvet dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 55 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +55 or like 0055.

Ile-Bouvet cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Ile-Bouvet. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Ile-Bouvet and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Ile-Bouvet country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Alagoinhas+5575 005575
Alexandria+55859 0055859
Anápolis+5562 005562
Aracaju+5579 005579
Araguaina+5563 005563
Barreiras+5577 005577
Bauru+5514 005514
Belém+5591 005591
Belo Horizonte+5531 005531
Blumenau+5547 005547
Boa Vista+5595 005595
Brasilia+5561 005561
Campina Grande+5583 005583
Campinas+5519 005519
Campo Grande+5567 005567
Campos+5522 005522
Caruaru+5581 005581
Caxias do Sul+5554 005554
Cuiaba+5565 005565
Curitiba+5541 005541
Feira de Santana+5575 005575
Fernando de Noronha+5581 005581
Florianopolis+5548 005548
Fortaleza+5585 005585
Garanhuns+5581 005581
Goiania+5562 005562
Governador Valadares+5533 005533
Ilheus+5573 005573
Itabuna+5573 005573
Jequie+5573 005573
Joao Pessoa+5583 005583
Joinville+5547 005547
Juazeiro do Norte+5574 005574
Juiz de Fora+5532 005532
Londrina+5543 005543
Macapa+5596 005596
Maceio+5582 005582
Manaus+5592 005592
Medina+55830 0055830
Montes Claros+5538 005538
Montezuma+55478 0055478
Mossoro+5584 005584
Natal+5584 005584
Niteroi+5521 005521
Palmas+5563 005563
Panama+55712 0055712
Parnaiba+5586 005586
Passo Fundo+5554 005554
Pelotas+55532 0055532
Ponta Grossa+5542 005542
Porto Alegre+5551 005551
Porto Velho+5569 005569
Recife+5581 005581
Ribeirão Preto+5516 005516
Rio Branco+5568 005568
Rio de Janeiro+5521 005521
Rio Grande+5553 005553
Sacramento+55916 0055916
Salinas+55408 0055408
Salvador+5571 005571
Santa Cruz+55831 0055831
Santa Fe+55505 0055505
Santa Maria+5534 005534
Santa Rosa+55707 0055707
Santo André+5511 005511
Santos+5513 005513
São Jose do Rio Preto+5517 005517
São Jose dos Campos+5512 005512
São Luis+5598 005598
São Paulo+5511 005511
Sobral+5588 005588
Sorocaba+5515 005515
Teofilo Otoni+5533 005533
Teresina+5586 005586
Timbo+55870 0055870
Uberaba+5534 005534
Uberlandia+5534 005534
Uruguaiana+5555 005555
Valparaiso+55850 0055850
Vitoria+5527 005527
Vitoria da Conquista+5577 005577
Volta Redonda+5524005524

Photos of Ile-Bouvet

Some others countries codes

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N° ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code