Bulgarie country code is :

00 359 or +359
You will always have to dial this telephone code before the number you want to call in Bulgarie.

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How to call Bulgarie ?

To call Bulgarie you need to dial like this : 00 + Bulgarie country code + city area code + the number you wish to call. For example to call Bulgarie you always need to do 00359 + number, so it looks like 00 359XXXXXXXXX. (00) is the intrnational access code but from Canada it is 011.

What is the 359 country code ?

00359 is Bulgarie country telephone code. It's the dialing code you need for calling Bulgarie from another country. This page concern only Bulgarie dial code. If you want to know others dialing country codes you can find what you search in homepage. 359 country code

International access code can be replaced by "+" and the dialing code can be written like +359 or like 00359.

Bulgarie cities area codes.

You can find below area codes for major cities of Bulgarie. Before dialing, you must first enter the country code for Bulgarie and then the area code of the city you want to call.

So, you must start your dialing like this :

IDD + Bulgarie country code + city area code + ?????

CityDialing codesArea codeCity calling phone code
Blagoevgrad+35973 0035973
Bourgas+35956 0035956
Cherven Bryag+359659 00359659
Dobritch+35958 0035958
Gabrovo+35966 0035966
Gotse Delchev+359751 00359751
Haskovo+35938 0035938
Kardjali+359361 00359361
Kazanluk+359431 00359431
Kjustendil+35978 0035978
Lovech+35968 0035968
Lovetch+35968 0035968
Mobile Phones+35989 0035989
Montana+35996 0035996
Pazardjik+35934 0035934
Pernik+35976 0035976
Pleven+35964 0035964
Plovdiv+35932 0035932
Razgrad+35984 0035984
Rousse+35982 0035982
Ruse+35982 0035982
Shoumen+35954 0035954
Silistra+35986 0035986
Sliven+35944 0035944
Smolyan+359301 00359301
Sofia+3592 003592
Stara Zagora+35942 0035942
Targovishte+359601 00359601
Varna+35952 0035952
Veliko Tarnovo+35962 0035962
Vidin+35994 0035994
Vratsa+35992 0035992
Yambol+35946 0035946

Photos of Bulgarie

Some others countries codes

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ISO code Flags Country Capital Country code